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Sep 23

Halton Short Breaks 2023 | Code-A-Drone Workshop

September 23, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm BST

Halton Short Breaks are two-hour sessions for young people in Halton (aged 8-17) with a disability/additional needs

***Changes to booking tickets, please read:***

We have made changes to when you will be able to book Halton Short Breaks tickets. We will release Halton Short Breaks tickets one month before the date of the event itself, the events will appear on our Eventbrite page but they will only be bookable within one month of the event taking place.

This session is part of our Halton Short Breaks project. These sessions are funded specifically for young people in Halton with additional needs. (please contact us if you’re not sure – info@makocreate.co.uk or 0151 345 1419)

During this two hour Short Break session of Code-A-Drone the workshop gets you hands-on with drones and coding in a fun, creative and safe environment. In the session you’ll learn how to code a mini-drone to take off, fly, turn and land safely. We will test all these new skills by playing games such as Noughts and Crosses, Battleship and Connect Four.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to write fundamental block code
  • How to plot and code a drone flight path
  • Complete flying challenges

Equipment you’ll need:

Mako Create will bring all of the equipment needed to participate in this session, and no previous coding experience is necessary.


Saturday 23rd September, 11:00am – 1:00pm.


Halton `Lea Library, Second Avenue, Palacefields, Runcorn, WA7 2PF

Who is this course for:

We suggest a minimum age of 8 for this workshop.

This session is part of our Halton Short Breaks project. These sessions are funded specifically for young people in Halton with additional needs.

Personal Care Arrangements

If your child will need help with personal care during the session, a carer who can provide this needs to be in place prior to the session, as Mako Create staff cannot provide personal care.

If you receive funding for personal care, then you will need to make arrangements for your carer to attend the session with your child.

If you receive personal care through a Halton Borough Council care package, then you need to make arrangements with the council as soon as possible, for a carer to attend the session for your child.

If you have no care in place, but your child needs help with personal care, please let us know so that we can refer you to the relevant council team.

If your child attends the session needing personal care, but they arrive without provision in place, regretfully they will be turned away.

This ticket is nontransferable – please ensure the name of the participant you sign up matches the young person who arrives at our session.

Participants with an additional need may be permitted to be joined by a sibling who does not meet our eligibility criteria, but only if the sibling’s presence will be of benefit to the young person and if there is adequate space on the course. Due to our provision agreement with Halton Borough Council, we must reserve the right to cancel sibling places in order to accommodate other young people with additional needs. We will require a phone call with you to discuss your circumstances if you would like to enrol a non-eligible sibling onto a session.

Once you have signed your young person up we require you to complete our Halton Short Breaks Registration Form, so that we have an up-to-date record of your young people’s needs that we can pass on to our funders at Halton Borough Council: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSet0wByk-zFUOYnVsIt20V3Gd4m8QPRksEl_So3Vc0uYZQRHQ/viewform

For any clarifications please contact us at info@makocreate.co.uk or call 0151 345 1419.


September 23, 2023
11:00 am - 1:00 pm BST
Event Category:




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